New light to guide you, to grow and flourish

Do you feel like you keep making the same old mistakes? Do you keep finding yourself in the same old place? The place that perhaps that you don’t want to be? Are you aware that your habits and beliefs keep taking you down that same old pathway? And even when you see the patterns earlier feel powerless to change? Well don’t worry, that is all pretty natural. It’s the way our mind works with familiarity and natural patterns of behaviour.

But are you desperate to change and noticing more and more that these habits keep resurfacing? Well this is where coaching can give you the help and support to make some shifts. When you  combine coaching  with some mindful awareness it can really help us to become more present. Being present can bring new light to the situation. It can support you consider and make different choices, or to do nothing if that works better for you. Coaching can help you to build new pathways, habits and routes of travel. This can all contribute to raised confidence and Self-esteem.

wood trees

(image by elementas)

You may like to read this lovely poem adapted below from Portia Nelson.

Keeping this natural I have adapted “I walk down the same street, There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.’ to “I walk through the same forest. There is a deep hole in the path.”

If you can image being in a dark forest, here we can get lost. Until new light, care and support comes in to guide us home.

Chapter I

I walk through the forest. There is a deep hole in the path.
I fall in.
I am lost… I am hopeless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter II
I walk through the same forest. There is a deep hole in the path.
pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in this same place.
But it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter III

I walk through the same forest. There is a deep hole in the path.
see it there.
I still fall in… it’s a habit… but,
my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

 Chapter IV

I walk through the same forest. There is a deep hole in the path. I walk around it.

Chapter V

I walk down another path.

elementas twitter

Adapted from Portia Nelson (1993) “There’s A Hole in My Sidewalk”   Portia Nelson. A link to his book 

Lou Booth “supporting your journey, 
exploring new ways to flourish, balancing working, playing, living” 
 ILM Coach Tai Chi & Chi Kung Teacher
DipM MCIM Chartered Marketer
Member of the Mindfulness Association


“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”—Paul Boese

7667556-jump-of-happiness-people-on-blue-sky-and-green-grass-backgroundThis interesting article on Learning to forgive others no matter what  by Elisha Goldstein via helps us to understand the implications that not forgiving can have on our own mental, physical and emotional health.

Elisha Goldstein

Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and conducts a private practice in West Los Angeles. He is author of Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion (Atria Books, 2015), The Now Effect (Atria Books, 2012), Mindfulness Meditations for the Anxious Traveler (Atria Books, 2013), and co-author of A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook (New Harbinger, 2010).


“great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind” – Theodore Rooseveltphoto 1

Hardwiring Happiness

It is important that we all appreciate ourselves. It is really good for our soul, and to create resilience and inner strength and those positive neuropathways- Rick Hanson tells us more in his Hardwiring Happiness TED talk .

I really enjoy my job and sometimes get feedback that makes me feel like I am making a difference. Even though it may feel uncomfortable at times (a British thing for me!) I thought I would share my happiness….

“Lou is a sensation. If your mind is open to success then Lou is your lady. Different than your regular life or business coach, Lou will work with you on your goals on your terms so that you develop the answers and confirm these with yourself. Whether it is organisation, productivity or mindset. She will help you breakaway from regular norms or self-limiting thoughts to enhance the way you work and to live your life you want to live. She is tender, passionate, respectful and just a very very lovely person.”

Michael Wilson, Entrepreneur and Consultant (Aviation and Nautical Sectors) – April 2016



executive and leadership coaching

Over the last 12 years, Lou Booth has been bringing together areas of specialist professional expertise, alternative ideas and fresh approaches to develop elementas’s unique style of coaching. Creating an inspiring style of coaching that is transformation.

elementas’s executive coaching is suitable for directors and senior leaders. It has been designed to consider your needs, holistically.  Connecting you with your component characteristics to flourish and achieve results. It is goal orientated. It is reality focused and enables you to access your inner resources. Practically it is a slot in your diary to focus solely on you. Time to leave all the noise and chatter behind and find true presence. To liberate your thinking and creative potential through structured discussions, practices, listening as well as space and stillness.

elementas creates a confidential space for you to harness your thinking.  A break from your daily routines to notice and realise, to work things out, to fine-tune and importantly to come to your natural balance. Confident in the fact you are then better resourced to continue on your journey, professionally and personally.

Coaching is specific to you and your individual needs. The process of structured coaching conversations enable you to become more self-aware, more discerning. By identifying your hurdles (actual or perceived) and mindset, you can encourage your own energy to flow more efficiently.

Using tools and techniques, such as exploring your individual preferences and your values and beliefs system will bring more awareness of what is driving you, consciously or subconsciously. Lou will help you work out the best ways to motivate and support you.   She will help you discover just how to unlock the extra self-understanding and focus necessary to make a difference.

elementas coaching causes you to stop, to have a break, to refuel, to remember, to feel more connected. You will feel more refreshed and refocused. You will have more time and energy for for the strategic growth objectives and personal changes you aim for. You know the ones, that until now, may have alluded you.

Check yourself in and give yourself time, space and permission to work out what matters,  what is truly deserving of your time and focus.


Source: executive and leadership coaching


12038943_10153260449968667_4259924151667627426_o“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Viktor E. Frankl

Leadership, Light and Servitude

“Servant leadership puts ethics and stewardship at its heart.

Servant leaders hold the torch of the greater cause, but look to pass on the torch to their followers, to ensure that the cause continues.”

Ever have that feeling that you can’t make a difference?

Think again great article on leadership from Kate Cooper .

12525610_10153465722098667_3835661059097943390_o copy(Image Lou  “Arriving,  Irrawaddy River and Light Over Bagan Myanmar Nov.15)

If You are feeling helpless – Give!

HELPLESSNESSHELPLESS 2 copyblog post helplessness

“If You are feeling helpless, help someone” Aung San Suu Kyi

In November 2015 I spent a month travelling Myanmar (Burma).

I was touched by the beauty of the people, their gentleness, kindness, generosity of spirit. The energy of people and this country will stay with me always.

One day a young girl was asking me to purchase a wooden ruler. I said no having bought enough gifts. About to move on, I stopped to  read the message on the ruler. A message from Aung San Suu Kyi. I bought the ruler.

The message not to ignore helplessness. These people are poor but kind and rich in spirit and community. It was an amazing trip. I am blessed.

“Myanmar is the most generous country in the world with nine out of 10 adults donating money to charity and half volunteering their time
