Business Coaching

Build a Better Quality of Life, and Keep You and Your Business Healthy and Strong.

Business Coaching

As we navigate the complex changes in our environment, life, and business, let me help you find your natural rhythm of wellness for a better quality of life.

Sessions are designed for professionals, business owners, executives, and senior managers to help you become present, catch your breath notice, reflect, and ground new ideas for wellness and resilience. Working with elementas founder Lou Booth, your tailored sessions provide a clear, structured pathway for developing skills and knowledge to thrive. With self-awareness and a bespoke toolkit, you will be well-resourced to maintain happiness, health, strength, and wellness.

“where attention goes, neural firing flows and neural connections grow”

Siegal D, 2018

This process will support your health and wellness. Your wellness will ripple out and impact the wellness of your loved ones, business colleagues teams and stakeholders.

“I wanted to find my self-limiting beliefs, in our sessions I get to see, to start to see the things that are tripping me up“

Finance Director

We then can start to help each other to think differently, to fail faster with kindness, not criticism and to pause and move on quicker to safer more secure ground.

Together, we will create the causes and conditions to invite some of those “light-bulb moments” and subsequent insights that have potential to change lives, and our world for the greater good!

My “lightbulb moment” moment may be a realisation…. that actually the way forward is a blockage that needs tackling….before I can move forward. In talking through the issues it enables me to find a way of dealing with it, having difficult conversations ultimately improve my outlook and mental health.”

Senior Growth Advisor

Below you will find a structure for sessions and an appointment form to step towards better business wellness.

Lou Booth

Wellness Coach and elementas founder

Lou offers a background, experience and knowledge of business (BA (Hons) Management and Marketing DipM MCIM) with coaching professions and executives for Wellness and Mindfulness (Masters in Mindfulness Studies).

Your Wellness Consultation – We will explore and map your personal wellness needs, aims, aspirations and goals. Together we will decide, the areas to focus your energy on, to bring the best benefit for you at this moment.

Session 1 – Your Wellness – We will explore what wellness and resilience means to you. We will draw from expert understanding, research and wellness models to increase your awareness and build your toolkit.

Session 2 – Recognising And Managing Stress – Better recognise your habitual tendencies. Identify strategies to build on what you are good at, so you can cope better and become more resilient. We will discuss practical actions to enable you to make personal improvements.

Session 3 – Finding Clarity “In The Midst Of It All” – Linking sessions 1 and 2 we will to work together to move from confusion and distraction to rest, clarity, awareness and presence to harness your inner resources including patience, gratitude, compassion and courage.

Session 4 – Dealing With Unplanned Change And Transition – Building on session 3 we will fortify and strengthen your focus, clarity and discernment to enable you to better handle unplanned change and unforeseen situations.

Session 5 – Communications – Building on your self-awareness and awareness of others. We will work on your ability to hear better and communicate more effectively in your inner and outer day-to-day conversations. We will touch upon dealing with tricky emotions, including the internalised “inner critic”. I will share techniques to harness your emotional intelligence, and ways to ground yourself, before navigating tough conversations.

Session 6 – Tools to Survive and Thrive – Drawing upon tools from neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, executive coaching, MSc mindfulness, compassion and insights training I will teach you how to fail faster, and move on quicker with less criticism of ourselves and of others. Moving through change to get results and find new meaning to thrive and flourish.

Cost: £950 includes initial 1 hr consultation and 6 x 75 minute sessions. £250 deposit is required before the first session and split payments are available.

Timescale: Your sessions are planned around your needs. Most clients meet weekly for the first few sessions and then fortnightly or 3-4 weeks depending on what we are working with. We meet on zoom.

Sessions: Your sessions will be with elementas owner and founder Lou Booth. To book your sessions (limited availability), please fill in the contact form or call/WhatsApp Lou on 07715 814833.

Is there a time best for you to chat?


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